Code Vein Wiki

The Cathedral of the Sacred Blood (Area F-15) is a Location in Code Vein.

The path to the Cathedral is at a side path in the Ruined City Center but is initially inaccessible. After the player has finished both the Dried-up Trenches and Howling Pit, Mia Karnstein will tell the protagonist to interact with the statue next to it, which will lower the ladder that opens the path to the Cathedral. Past that ladder, the party encounters another bloodspring, and Louis Amamiya continues following the source of the Bloodbeads as he has with the rest of the springs, and is pointed to the tunnel that eventually leads to the Cathedral entrance.

The Cathedral is one of the largest levels in the game, consisting of labyrinthine walkways that criss-cross over each other and lead in and out of many cylindrical buildings, which consist of several floors held together by ladders. The player will find themselves making leaps of faith off ledges to find the right way forward, only to eventually ascend within or around another building. This level reveals a big flaw in the minimap system which doesn't differentiate elevation of pathways, making it difficult to determine the way forward at a glance. The main goal of the level is the large building in the center, but the player's path will take them all around the perimeter before finally reaching there. There are a total of eight Mistles within the level itself.

At the midpoint of the level, guarding the Gated Room Mistle, is the Argent Wolf Berserker, which is fought in a tiny arena. Following its defeat, the protagonist can pick up a special Vestige that will transport them into the Memories of Protagonist, but that area is not crucial to completion of the area.

Upon reaching the Crypt in the center of the premises, they are stopped by Leda, the Attendant of the Successor within, who offers them a Vestige Core and asks the protagonist to mend the rest of the Successor's memories before proceeding. The upcoming boss, the Successor of the Ribcage, is the first of the Successor bosses and if the player wishes to save her they must mend all of the Vestiges before defeating the boss.

After the defeat of the Successor, the protagonist finds that they have the ability to open the previously-locked winged doors in the corners of the Cathedral. The first they open leads them beneath the Crypt of the Ribcage, where the party stumbles upon Karen Amamiya, who has become a Successor and is the source of the bloodbeads. On the way out, the party gets intercepted by Jack Rutherford and Eva Roux, who have witnessed the protagonist's power to control the relics and urge them to join their cause. The ability to open the winged doors leads the protagonist to head towards the Ridge of Frozen Souls to continue their journey to find the rest of the Successors.

