Code Vein Wiki
Yakumo 4

Hound Blood Veils are a type of Blood Veil in Code Vein. They are mid-range veils with a quick charge time that bite enemies.

Hound Blood Veils comprise some of the heaviest Blood Veils in the game, perfectly complementing tank builds who have the weight capacity to accommodate them and doesn't mind the lack of mobility.

Their Charged Drain manifests as two large wolf heads that bite into the enemy. It lacks range but charges very quickly and has a very strong stagger factor when it connects. Its Parry animation has an unintuitive range but a wide window to connect.

Comparison Chart[]

Hound Blood Veils Defenses Atk Drn Required Stats Weight
Gifts Debuff Resist Stat Scaling Balance
Dusk Edge
Crushing Might
Blood Guard
Flame Protection
Ice Armor
Raijin's Veil
Physical Damage Icon
Hunting Feast
Strength Up
Dexterity Up
Mind Up
Willpower Up
Vitality Up
Perseverance Up
Revenant's Ambition
Light Impulse
Dark Impulse
Venom Resistance
Stun Resistance
Inhibit Resistance
Slow Resistance
Leak Resistance
Balance Up
Night Fang
Night Fang
61 35 51 44 41 32 35 188 0.57 D+ 60
171 171 109 148 113 103 137 C+ E D+ D+ 85
Blue Hounds
Blue Hounds
40 47 42 37 34 40 41 164 0.57 D+ D D 53
182 182 124 129 123 136 123 C+ C C 71
GXL Defender
GXL Defender
60 50 58 46 37 47 34 181 0.67 C D+ 88
192 161 153 84 82 84 82 E+ B C+ D 92
Hedgehog Fort
Hedgehog Fort
46 40 49 40 50 29 33 128 0.57 D+ D C+ 80
182 213 94 93 118 95 120 C+ D C B+ 85
White Vestment
White Vestment
33 52 32 41 31 47 45 164 0.72 D C+ D 65
213 192 119 91 101 100 124 C B+ C 78