Code Vein Wiki
Protag 6

Ogre Blood Veils are a type of Blood Veil in Code Vein. They are close-range veils with a quick charge time, capable of hitting multiple enemies and dashing forwards at rapid speeds.

Ogre-type Blood Veils share common characteristics that serve to easily identify and differentiate them from the other Blood Veil types. Ogre-type Blood Veils sport a half-cape draping the left shoulder and arm, and will almost always be sleeveless beneath the cape. The right arm will always be covered in some type of armor to protect the mechanisms that morph the revenant's arm into a massive claw.

The Charge Drain of the Ogre Veils involve a quick dash attack that hits the first thing that crosses its path (or anything at the end of its short dash), which runs the risk of putting the user into the middle of danger but can knock down enemies. The Parry and Combo Drains are among the fastest between the Veil types, usually coming out with very little wind-up.

Comparison Chart[]

Ogre Blood Veils Defenses Atk Drn Required Stats Weight
Gifts Debuff Resist Stat Scaling Balance
Dusk Edge
Crushing Might
Blood Guard
Flame Protection
Ice Armor
Raijin's Veil
Physical Damage Icon
Hunting Feast
Strength Up
Dexterity Up
Mind Up
Willpower Up
Vitality Up
Perseverance Up
Revenant's Ambition
Light Impulse
Dark Impulse
Venom Resistance
Stun Resistance
Inhibit Resistance
Slow Resistance
Leak Resistance
Balance Up
Queenslayer Claw
Queenslayer Claw
44 34 48 41 40 33 38 186 0.5 D D+ D+ 55
203 203 135 128 103 83 86 C C+ C+ 71
Night Claw
Night Claw
45 37 44 43 44 30 35 185 0.5 D+ D D 30
182 182 89 92 139 118 97 A C C 71
GXM Variant
GXM Variant
53 47 56 32 27 32 27 197 0.67 D+ D+ 63
192 161 109 112 107 113 124 C+ E C+ D 85
Blackblood Liberator
Blackblood Liberator
30 42 33 43 29 28 30 155 1.0 B 49
171 224 130 121 117 119 128 D D+ A 64
Noble Silver
Noble Silver
26 59 29 32 31 48 41 170 0.83 B 22
224 161 124 87 127 99 88 D+ D+ A D 64