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Mia 9

Stinger Blood Veils are a type of Blood Veil in Code Vein. They are long-ranged veils with a quick charge time.

Stinger Veils are known for having a great spread of stat scaling - you'd be hard-pressed to find a Veil that doesn't have scalings in all four offensive stats. It also boasts Veils with some of the best elemental resistance, able to provide full immunity to a certain element with the right Chrome transformation. However, they are also quite heavy.

The Charged Drain attack manifests a long tail that can strike an enemy from afar, with about the same reach as the Ogre Veils but without putting the user in danger. Their Parry and Combo Drain animations are a little unwieldy due to a slightly long wind-up, though.

Comparison Chart[]

Stinger Blood Veils Defenses Atk Drn Required Stats Weight
Gifts Debuff Resist Stat Scaling Balance
Dusk Edge
Crushing Might
Blood Guard
Flame Protection
Ice Armor
Raijin's Veil
Physical Damage Icon
Hunting Feast
Strength Up
Dexterity Up
Mind Up
Willpower Up
Vitality Up
Perseverance Up
Revenant's Ambition
Light Impulse
Dark Impulse
Venom Resistance
Stun Resistance
Inhibit Resistance
Slow Resistance
Leak Resistance
Balance Up
Queenslayer Thorn
Queenslayer Thorn
49 30 50 41 44 38 41 170 0.57 D+ 47
192 171 134 125 121 131 124 D E+ C+ D+ 78
Night Spear
Night Spear
41 48 43 54 36 40 46 172 0.67 D+ D+ 65
192 171 119 105 107 107 117 E+ C+ C+ D+ 85
Raven Fatigues
Raven Fatigues
35 45 34 32 30 32 58 167 0.83 D C+ 38
171 213 91 136 86 124 88 C E+ D+ B+ 57
Winter Mantle
Winter Mantle
51 36 45 31 22 62 45 182 0.77 C+ 74
213 171 103 106 121 106 119 E D+ B+ D+ 85
Silver Garb
Silver Garb
56 45 55 44 52 43 21 179 0.67 D+ D+ 80
192 161 142 97 127 100 99 C+ E C+ D 92